Burbank Party Rentals

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    Around Burbank to find party rentals

    For rent party equipment in Burbank you today go to Local Events Rental. Not only in Burbank, but also in nearby places like Beverly Hills, Glendale, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Santa Clarita, Santa Monica, Northridge, Alhambra and you will find rental companies. Party Rentals is often found in your own environment. In most cases you soon when you drive on the A1 or the A28 to Burbank, CA. So simply hire different party materials for your exhibition, event or party. Perhaps you are busy with organizing an exhibition in the Burbank and are you still looking for party rentals. You rent through Local Events Rental simple decoration, dance floor, lighting or heating. And if you’re on short notice to celebrate an anniversary, you hire the right party material at one of the rental companies. For example, you can get a tent, chairs or tables for standing rent through Local Events Rental. Through Local Events Rental you often find a landlord in your own neighborhood for the right party hire for your party!

    Our Services in Burbank, CA:

    Wedding Rentals Burbank
    Party Rental Supplies Burbank
    Event Rentals Burbank
    Birthday Party Supply Rentals Burbank
    Dance Floor Rentals Burbank
    Party Tent Rentals Burbank
    Table and Chair Rentals Burbank

    The showroom and shop is open in the Burbank, CA

    Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 18:00 and by appointment!

    For request a quote, reservations and prices please call (818) 937-9261 / (323) 539-3216.

    Party & Event Rentals

    Table & Chair


    Catering furniture


    Caterer tenting services


    Glassware / Silverware

    Outdoor Furniture

    Children Birthday Supplies

    Pipe & Drape


    Dance Floor

    Our Locations in Los Angeles Areas: